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Stuttgart is one of the significant cities in the German tourism sector. This is because it is one of the nation's well-known tourist attractions. As a result, the site has recently received around 124 000 000 tourists and 8 900 000 overnight stays. Over 90 000 specialists attend to their needs. Additionally, it causes the location to generate around 6 606 000 000 EUR in turnover annually. Furthermore, the city and surrounding area are well-known destinations in the Lower Saxony tourism cluster. The region serves as one of the central sectors of the related industry. This is because Lower Saxony is a popular travel destination for diverse travellers. As a result, the cluster has received around 45 700 000 overnight stays in recent years. As a result, the cluster has recently produced a gross value of 13 600 000 000 EUR. These figures represent 4.9% of Lower Saxony's overall GDP. Over 257 000 specialists, or 6.2% of all employed specialists in the region, generate these values. In addition, the Lower Saxony tourist cluster is a significant innovation hub because of its high focus on research. Most often, it presents its latest novel solutions during trade shows. Among the examples are the annual events held in Stuttgart that attract hundreds of thousands of attendees.