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Stuttgart is one of the central urban centres of the German catering industry. This is because the city has a comprehensive and high-quality catering segment. It is part of the catering industry in Baden-Württemberg. This comprises around 25,500 companies, of which more than 1,700 are based in Stuttgart. They range from small and medium-sized businesses to well-known companies. They represent the entire value chain, including supply, retail and end consumers. This leads to the development of a high-quality catering segment. This, in turn, contributes significantly to the HoReCa industry in Baden-Württemberg. For example, some leading companies have earned up to 107,290,000 USD in recent years. The city’s catering sector is also one of the central innovation centres of the HoReCa industry. This is because many of the city’s catering businesses focus intensely on innovation. This is done through extensive research and development. This ensures that businesses remain competitive. This includes adapting to the latest industrial standards and challenges. Such consist of, for instance, the newest sustainability-related requirements. Generally, researching potential innovations occurs in partnership with various research and education institutes. Examples include the city's various universities and research centres. Often, the sector presents its latest novel solutions during biannual trade expositions. Such events attract tens to hundreds of thousands of participants from varied countries.