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Hamburg is regarded as one of the leading and central cities in the German travel industry. This is because the urban centre is one of the significant locations of the same-named Metropolitan Region. The segment is regarded as one of the noteworthy sectors in the business sector. This is because the site is extensive and highly valued. For instance, it has recently engaged the professional skills and services of over 2 000 experts. This is because of its popularity as a tourist destination and access to the same-name airport. The airport has recently received up to 11 100 000 passengers. In addition, the segment is one of the leading sections of the Lower Saxony travel cluster. This segment is one of the pivotal segments of the relevant German travel industry. Among the causes are its notable annual turnover rates and its extensiveness. For instance, it has generated over 2 733 450 000 EUR in current years. More than 4 000 professionals generate such values. In addition, they aid the German travel industry and the cluster in several other means. One of them is helping to develop innovations through various research projects. This results in the region being among the relevant travel industry's central and leading innovation hubs. The Lower Saxony cluster most often presents its latest innovations during trade shows. Examples include annual events in Hamburg that attract tens of thousands of attendees.