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Hamburg is one of the leading urban centres of the German maritime industry. This is because of the city’s strategic position and the presence of Port Hamburg. The city’s positioning enables it to access diverse maritime routes, including to other continents such as Asia and the Two Americas. The presence of the Port of Hamburg further aids the city due to the port or hafen being the country’s most extensive universal port. Also, it is the third most active after Rotterdam and Antwerpen concerning TEU and the 15th most extensive global seaport. This is because approximately 25% of the internal shipping activities take place in the port. Additionally, the hafen has reached a seaborne cargo throughput of 119 900 000 tonnes in recent years. It has similarly had 8 300 000 TEU cross its quay walls during the same period. This has resulted in the port generating a turnover of 1 578 400 000 EUR. Besides the Port of Hamburg, the city also features a diverse range of enterprises representing the entire value chain. This includes, for instance, 92 shipping companies and over 740 vessels. The sector is among the pivotal innovation contributors to the German maritime industry. This is due to the segment being highly focused on innovations. This enables it to remain up-to-date on the latest challenges. Generally, presenting the segment’s latest novel solutions takes place during annual trade expositions. Such events attract tens of thousands of attendants.