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Hannover is among the central and time-established cities of the German livestock and poultry industry. This is because of its comprehensiveness and high annual values. It is often considered a central and leading site of the Lower Saxony cluster. It is one of the country’s pivotal, time-honoured and highly-valued industry-related regions. This is due to its notable extensiveness and high annual turnover rates. For example, the cluster has expanded to include more than 42 300 agricultural holdings related to the segment in recent years. This results in the Lower Saxony cluster featuring more than 97 046 000 livestock. They range from cattle and sheep to various types of poultry, such as hens. Such amounts of animals are tended by a notable number of the 127 500 specialists that operate in the Lower Saxony agricultural sector. It also results in the generation of high annual turnover rates. For example, some leading, time-honoured, expansive holdings have generated over 2 223 800 000 USD in recent years. It equates to more than 2 075 990 000 EUR. The Lower Saxony livestock and poultry cluster is additionally among the central innovation hubs. This is due to the central focus it places on researching innovations. It enables it to adapt to the latest challenges and trends. The segment most often presents its most recent novel solutions during trade expos. Examples include events held every two years in the city of Hannover. Hundreds of thousands of attendants from diverse countries attend such expos.