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Hannover is among the German laboratory industry's central, leading and time-honoured cities. This is due to the comparatively extensive and high-value sector in the urban centre. It is often considered a central and leading site of the Lower Saxony cluster. It is among the country's pivotal, time-honoured and highly-valued industry-related regions. This is due to its high values and expansiveness. For example, in recent years, some of the segment's leading companies employed more than 11 700 specialists. Such experts operate in diverse types of firms. They range from small and medium-sized establishments to expansive, time-honoured corporations. This results in the development of high annual turnover rates by the region's more than 100 enterprises. For example, in recent years, it has produced values that exceeded 1 500 000 000 USD. It equates to more than 1 397 950 000 EUR. Likewise, the Lower Saxony cluster is among the central innovation hubs. It is because of its principal accent on analysing and developing novel solutions. It enables it to adapt to the latest challenges, megatrends, and industrial requirements. Examples include sustainability policies, healthcare regulations, et cetera. Generally, the Lower Saxony cluster presents its latest innovations during trade expos. It features exhibitions hosted every two years in the municipality of Hannover. Tens of thousands of attendants take part in such events.