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Hannover is one of the German rubber industry's leading and prominent urban centres. This is due to the city being one of the leading sites in the rubber and plastics sector of the Lower Saxony region. The cluster is one of the industry's comparatively extensive and high-value sections. This is because the segment accounts for up to 2% of Lower Saxony’s total economic output. This is due to the sector producing up to 12 100 000 000 EUR of annual turnover rates, with approximately 50% generated by extensive exportations. It includes the enterprises in Hannover, producing over 1 852 822 000 EUR. These enterprises form one of the central groups of the more than 700 SMEs and extensive corporations that comprise the Lower Saxony rubber and plastic cluster. Such companies employ around 49 500 specialists. It includes research and development personnel that constitute up to 3.8% of the sector’s workforce. The cluster features this notable percentage of R&D personnel due to its chief focus on research and development. The region features such an emphasis due to its potential to aid it in adapting to the latest challenges and market trends. As a result, the cluster often invested up to 2.6% of its turnover in internal R&D expenditures. Generally, it presents its latest innovations during trade expos. Examples include annual events held in Hannover. They attract thousands of attendants from diverse countries.