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Düsseldorf is among the German fashion industry’s central and leading cities. It is due to the city’s comparatively comprehensive and high-value couture sector. Often, it is considered to be part of the North Rhine-Westphalia fashion cluster. It is a cluster comprising more than 2 600 enterprises. They represent the entire value chain, including manufactories, distributers, vendors, service providers, et cetera. It includes over 300 medium and small-sized enterprises and extensive, time-honoured corporations in Dusseldorf. This results in the employment of more than 121 600 throughout the cluster. It includes the retainment of over 58 650 experts within the city. It also results in the production of high turnovers that, in turn, aid the German fashion industry. For instance, the North Rhine-Westphalia couture cluster has produced up to, and over, 19 652 900 000 USD in recent years. This equals 18 106 596 646 EUR. A significant amount of this revenue is produced within the city. For instance, within the same period, it has generated up to and more than 11 679 600 000 USD. This equals 10 760 641 238 EUR. Apart from being a central contributor to the cluster and German fashion industry, Dusseldorf is also a leading innovation hub. It is due to its couture sector’s prime focus on research and developing novel solutions. Often, it displays its latest innovations and models during trade expos. Such exhibitions, hosted every six months, attract tens of thousands of attendees.