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Berlin is one of the most time-honoured and pivotal financial centres of the German banking industry. This is due to the city being among the country’s most time-honoured financial hubs and its FinTech capital. This is due to several causes. Among them is the city’s central position within Brandenburg and Germany. This enables the urban centre to have easy access to diverse routes and regions, including the rest of Europe. Additionally, the city is among the sites within Germany that place a high focus on developing its sectors through diverse means. This includes various state programmes. As a result, Berlin is among Germany’s leading banking centres. For instance, it features over 300 FinTech enterprises. It additionally encompasses over 650 financial service companies. Among them are 28 central banks/credit institutions, 48 funds, and over 450 affiliated firms. Furthermore, the city is also the site for over 30 insurance service providers, more than 70 accelerators, and over 360 business angels. As a result of such an extensive range, Berlin is among Germany’s leading financial industry contributors. For instance, in recent years, the segment has contributed over 12 546 940 000 EUR. Additionally, it is among the city’s significant employment contributors. This is due to the segment featuring over 27 350 specialists. As a result of such contributions, Berlin is often among the German cities listed in GFCI 29 Top 50. It is also the hosting location for diverse annual trade expositions. Such events attract tens of thousands of participants.