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Berlin is among the leading cities in the German educational industry. This is because the urban centre features a comprehensive and time-honoured educational sector. It is also one of high value. This is due to the segment featuring diverse businesses and institutions. These span the entire value chain. Such include ones related to logistics, distribution, training students, organisation, et cetera. This results in a sector spanning more than 3 000 enterprises. This includes several leading institutions of higher education. Such enterprises range from independent contractors to small and medium-sized enterprises. They also feature extensive, pre-eminent institutions and corporations. Many of these institutes and companies are time-honoured representatives. This results in the employment of more than 15 120 specialists as well as high turnovers. For example, some leading institutions in the sector have earned a total of 4 166 100 000 USD (3 852 506 010 EUR). Berlin is additionally a central German educational industry innovation hub. This is because the city and its education sector place a chief focus on frequently instating innovations. This enables the segment to meet the latest educational demands. It also permits adapting to the way of learning of students. Often, the sector displays its latest innovations during annual trade expositions. Such events attract thousands of attendants.