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Rimini is one of the central and leading cities in the Italian tourism industry. This is due to the urban centre being one of the noteworthy and significant sites of the Emilia-Romagna cluster. The region is among the central and leading segments of the relevant industry due to diverse causes. Among them is that it is of notable extensiveness, annual turnover and employment. For example, in recent years, the segment has extended to include more than 18 300 enterprises. They employ over 161 400 specialists throughout the entire value chain. This results in a segment that produces an annual turnover rate of up to 2 400 000 000 EUR, which equates to 1.4% of the regional GDP. Such values are generated by a notable number of tourists arriving at the cluster. For example, it has received around 62 000 000 visitors in recent years. It is also a segment that is highly focused on research and development. This is due to its intent to expand and generate up to 16% of the regional GDP in the upcoming years. It will encompass extending the segment to accommodate an annual visitation of 65 650 000 tourists. For the task, the cluster will invest notable values that have exceeded 45 000 000 EUR in recent years. Generally, the segment presents its latest innovations and projects during trade events. It includes annual events in Rimini that attract tens of thousands of attendees.