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Milan, Italy
8 Feb 2025 - 10 Feb 2025
Milan, or Milano, is among the Italian eyewear industry's leading, time-honoured and central cities. This is due to the urban centre’s comprehensive and high-value eyewear sector. It is often considered a central part of the Lombardia eyewear cluster of the industry. This is one of the leading and central industrial clusters of the sector. This is due to its high production and turnover. It includes the segment present in Milano that generally produces more than 2 000 000 000 EUR of revenue. It also employs over 80 000 specialists throughout diverse firms. They include medium and small-sized enterprises and extensive, time-honoured corporations with diverse branches. Such companies represent the entire value chain, including down-, mid-, and upstream sections. Such are related to distribution, retail, service provision, and manufacturing. Additionally, many experts are related to research and development. It is due to Milano being among the industry’s central and leading innovation hubs. It is due to the various companies’ chief focus on research and development. For example, in recent years, one of the leading corporations in the segment will invest more than 50 000 000 EUR. It will be employed to create a joint research centre with one of the leading universities in the city. It will also result in the employment of more than 100 researchers. Often, the segment displays its latest innovations during annual trade expos. Such events, hosted in diverse event sites, attract tens of thousands of attendees.