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The city and emirate of Dubai are among the leading and central sections of the UAE wellness industry. This is due to the cluster's extensiveness and high annual turnover rates. For example, it has recently developed to include more than 650 enterprises. They range from wellness tourism lodgings to fitness clubs. They employ more than 11 500 specialists throughout the entire value chain. This results in the development of notably high annual turnover rates. For example, it has recently developed yearly revenues of more than 1 541 748 000 USD or 5 662 825 000 AED. This is due to the popularity of wellness within the city and emirate of Dubai. It includes incorporating wellness in diverse sections. Examples include tourism, healthcare, sports, et cetera. The clusters mentioned are also among the central and leading innovation hubs of the related UAE wellness industry. This is due to the city and emirate of Dubai's high focus on research and development due to diverse causes. Among them is that the implemented novel solutions enable them to adapt to various situations. Examples include various and recent challenges, market trends, and industrial requirements. Generally, the sectors present their most recent innovations during trade expos. These include annual events in the city of Dubai. They attract tens of thousands of attendees from various countries. Examples include Finland, Japan, Turkey, and the USA.