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The Turkish power and energy industry features several notable urban centres as its central and leading hubs. Among them is Istanbul, one of the country's most extensive cities. It is one of the pivotal and significant cities of the Marmara cluster. A notable portion of the region's more than 600 businesses are located in the city. It also employs a noteworthy percentage of the over 59 000 specialists employed throughout the Marmara cluster. It also generates a notable percentage of the Marmara cluster’s significant annual turnover rates. For example, some extensive, time-honoured corporations have produced more than 435 708 502 000 TRY. It, in turn, contributes to the value of the Turkish power and energy segment and the related market sections. Apart from being a notable contributor, the city of Istanbul and the Marmara cluster are also significant in other aspects. Among them is that they are the leading and central innovation hubs of the related segments. This is due to the diverse companies, research centres and higher education institutions that comprise them. They predominantly tend to concentrate on research and development initiatives. It is implemented as a means to adjust to the latest challenges, market trends and requirements. The cluster most often presents its latest innovations during trade expos. It includes annual events held in Istanbul. They attract tens of thousands of attendees.