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Birmingham is among the central, leading and time-honoured cities of the UK’s handicrafts industry. This is due to its comparatively comprehensive, time-established and highly-valued handicraft sector. It features more than 1 000 specialists. They operate within diverse sections of the value chain. Such include the manufacturing of various wares such as clothing. The primary one is jewellery production, which is concentrated around the city’s Jewellery Quarter. The segment is often considered to be part of the West Midlands creative and cultural cluster. This is one of the leading, time-established and central industry-related regions. This is due to the segment producing high annual turnovers that, in turn, aid the UK’s handicraft industry. For example, in recent years, the West Midlands’ craft sector has produced a total GVA of 140 000 000 GBP. The West Midlands crafts cluster is also among the central innovation hubs of the UK’s handicrafts industry. It likewise applies to the city of Birmingham. This is due to their chief focus on researching and developing novel solutions. It enables them to adapt to the latest challenges and consumer trends. Generally, such innovations are present during trade expos hosted in the city. Such events take place once per year. They attract tens of thousands of attendees.