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Zurich is among the central urban centres of the Swiss architectural industries. This is due to the city’s time-honoured links to the segment. This is a result of its central position within the country. It is also due to its significance as a financial capital. This results in the city featuring over 33 historical and architectural monuments. They represent diverse historical periods. These include the Romanesque and historicism styles as well as modernism. Additionally, the city is among the Swiss urban centres highly focused on sustainability. This often occurs by designing and developing novel buildings. They implement the latest sustainable solutions. As a result, the architectural industry in Zurich is a highly developed segment. For instance, the city features over 40 architectural practices and specialists. They range from pre-eminent enterprises to medium and small companies. It additionally features independent contractors. Many of the leading enterprises within the sector generate high revenue. These often range up to 8 100 000 USD in recent years. Zurich’s architectural segment regularly implements innovations. This enables it to remain up-to-date on the latest challenges. These are frequently presented during annual trade expositions. Such are hosted at the city’s diverse event sites. Such events attract tens of thousands of participants.