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Madrid is one of the central segments of the Spanish architectural sector. There are several causes for this. One of them is the city’s significant expanse and cultural diversity. It is also due to its time-honoured connections to this segment. It is also due to Madrid's focus on sustainability. This leads to the city having a wide range of architectural styles. For instance, the city features representations of brutalism, post-modern, and neo-Gothic styles. Additionally, there are representations of the neo-plateresque and neo-baroque styles. The city is also among the central hubs for training new talents. This is due to the high concentration of educational institutions. Many of them provide architectural training. This enables the segment to continue improving the skills of its specialists. It also permits it while preparing new additions. As a result, the segment is among the Spanish architectural industry's high-value sectors. For instance, some leading architectural firms have earned up to 21 600 000 USD in recent years. Additionally, the segment is among the Spanish architectural industry’s most innovative sectors. This is due to the frequent implementation of novel solutions and styles. Often, the presentation of such innovations occurs during biannual trade expositions. Such events are hosted at the city’s diverse venues. Such events attract tens of thousands of participants.