
ONS 2016 - Where Energy Industry Leaders Go

24 Jul 2015

If you’re involved in the energy industry, more particularly the oil and gas sectors, then ONS 2016 held in Stavanger, Sweden, ought to be on your calendar – circled and underlined. This event sees the industry elite, as well as heads of government organizations, come to discuss the latest developments as well as tackle problems and talk of best practices. Whether you want to back on your project or want to research the market, you stand to gain much from a single visit.

The Numbers Are Reasons Enough to Visit
ONS 2016 sees enthusiastic participation and it shows. Exhibitors number over 1400 people from oil and gas companies, the supply industry, engineering and construction as well as the safety and environment fields. Attendees exceed 91,000 industry professionals, which also see foreign delegations, investors, decisions makers and technical specialists. If you have a project you want to launch, this is the place to come network and exchange ideas. The event program features several opportunities to make yourself noticed.

Onto A Brighter, Cleaner Future
The key principle of ONS 2016 is looking forward to sustainable energy solutions, hence why the Clean Energy Park is the biggest attraction. The initiative focuses on alternative, clean energy methods solutions that rely on technological innovation and breakthroughs. You will get the chance to introduce yourself to the future of the energy industry and even ride the wave as an early adaptor.

Did You Buy Your Ticket? Don’t Forget Your Accommodation!
You might think it’s easy to find a room for a business event and that any room will do, but this cannot be any further from the truth. Your hotel accommodation can ruin your ONS 2016 especially if it’s too expensive or not up to your standards. Go Fair ltd looks far and wide in Stavanger to locate the establishments that meet your needs, fit your budget and position you close to public transport – a guarantee for a successful business trip.