Kraftwerk Berlin
Köpenicker Str. 70, 10179 Berlin
, Berlin
, Germany
Founded in:
Total area:
8510 m2
Rooms & halls:
Kraftwerk Berlin is a historical event venue constructed circa 1960 to 1964 and renovated and repurposed in 2006. It is a location with over 8,000 m2 of space and an approximate capacity of 4,600 participants comprising three meeting spaces. These include Level 0, with a total event area of 3,560 m2 and a maximum capacity of 2,600 attendants. There is also Level 1 with 1,500 m2. It has a capability of 400 attendants. Completing the meeting areas is Level 2, with its 3,450 m2 and a total capacity of 1,600 participants. The venue features 20 parking spaces and a convenient location, as well as modern amenities such as high-speed Wi-Fi and state-of-the-art lighting and AV equipment.