Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Via Spallanzani, 23 - 52100 Arezzo Italy
, Arezzo
, Italy
Founded in:
Total area:
30000 m2
15 000 visitors
Rooms & halls:
The Arezzo Fiere e Congressi is a premier event complex in Arezzo. It comprises two buildings with a total event space of over 58,000 m2. It also includes 750 parking spaces and on-site locations for catering, banking and et cetera. The complex features an exhibition centre with eight pavilions and a total area of 30,000 m2. It additionally incorporates a congress hall with over 28,000 m2 of event space. The exhibition centre's pavilions feature exhibition halls ranging from 960 m2 to 7,200 m2. The congress centre includes a congress hall with 912 seats, two control rooms, eight rooms that can serve as auditoriums, a 1,000 m2 multipurpose hall and six exhibition pavilions totalling 28,000 m2.