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London is among the leading and pivotal cities in the UK’s defense industry. This is because the city and area of Greater London feature a comprehensive and high-value sector. It is additionally among the most time-honoured armament segments of the industry. This is because of the city and region’s extensive sector-related history. As a result, London and Greater London’s defence sector is one of extensiveness and high value. It comprises diverse businesses. They represent the entire value chain and segments of the industry. Such include manufacturers, exporters, importers, distributors and service providers. They work with land, cyber warfare, aerial, sea, et cetera armaments. Various types of companies represent such sections and divisions. They range from independent contractors through SMEs to extensive, time-honoured corporations. Such firms engage a significant part of the city and region’s workforce. For example, some leading companies in the sector hire more than 59 000 specialists. They also aid in generating high turnovers. For example, the previously mentioned enterprises have generated up to 21 643 400 000 USD (17 062 876 063 GBP). This, in turn, contributes to the value of the UK’s defence industry. London and the Greater London region are also a significant innovation hub. This is because the sector chiefly focuses on researching and instating innovations. This allows it to adapt to the newest challenges. Often, the segment displays its latest innovations during annual trade exhibitions. Such events attract tens of thousands of attendants.